Tuesday, April 5, 2011

 Jamaica...Land We Love. As the time went by, more violence, more crime, and less respect. Human rights is no longer considered or brought to mind.

                One of the human rights problem our island is facing today is being against the homosexuality. In Jamaica it is illegal to be homosexual, and can be inprisoned and sentenced to years in jail. Just for living the lifestyle you chose. There have been reported gaang and mob violence against homosexuals and there has been nothing done to fix this horrible situation.

                A solution has come to mind. My proposal states that homosexuality will be accepted and allowed in Jamaica. Every human has the right to live however they choose, without having to be judged, without having to be arrested, taken to jail, or even having a sentence. Expressing yourself, choosing your lifestyle, being happy for who you are and the people whom you choose to love. All of those things can be accepted in Jamaica without beeing judged.

         I propose that law enforcements be alert at all times.Watching out for danger, problems, death Actually doing there job. Not beating up people, abusing of them, taking advantage of the authority, the power that the law has. The island of Jamaica will change. It will change for the better. The human rights in Jamaica will be lived. HOMOSEXUALS WILL BE ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!

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