Tuesday, April 19, 2011

1. shariemar
womens rights is important. India makes women feel like they arent worth anything and that they are just there to make men happy and to bring them what they want. Women are just as equal as men and they should have equal rights. And shariemars proposal is an equal right.
 Religion is the main cause of division between people. Yvettes proposal states that you should be able to express your religion. It should be ok to express your religion and practice it without being judged.
3. Geo- Too much cruel torture and women are equal!
4.Paola C.-she wants to change the living of the human beings. as stated in the proposal no human being you live that way and she wants to make a change.
5.Adrian N.-She wants to eliminate government corruption and that is important to build up the quality of tunisia
6.giovanni- As stated in his proposal he wants to change the government.basicaly what makes the country is the government.
7.angelica- as stated she wants to change the economis crisis
8. natalia- she wants to change the minds of the government be more open minded make a change in the country.
9.ian- he wants to change the lifestyle, the violence he wants to make a big difference
10.anluishgie- make a change

Monday, April 18, 2011

A homophobic Island

Over the years the main human rights problem in Jamaica has been homosexuality. People kill, bully, beat, and even make hateful songs about gays. Some even think that all gays should be killed.

In the past two years, two of the island's most prominent gay activists, Brian Williamson and Steve Harvey, have been murdered and a crowd even celebrated over Williamson's mutilated body. Perhaps most disturbing, many anti-gay assaults have been acts of mob violence.

           There has been mob and ganag violences against homosexuals reported. and they never do anything about it. In Jamaica you can be arrested and sentenced for just being a homosexual. Jamaica is known to be a homophobic place.

Jamicas human rights
Arbitrary or unlawful deprivation of life
torture and other cruel in human or degrading treatment or punishment

prison and detention center conditions
-prison conditions are poor due to overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions
-men and women are seperated into different facilities
-some children were put in adult because juvenile facility doesnt have good security

abritrary arrest or detention
- law permits the arrest of a person who commits a crime usually requires warrants by the police.

denial of fair public trial
arbitrary interference with privacy, family, home, or correspondence
freedom of speech and press
reedom of peaceful assembly and association
freedom of religion
freedom of movement, internally displaced persons protection of refugees and stateless persons

And alot more human rights that wont be mentioned due to how much there are.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jamaicas past

        The history of jamaica may be divided into six periods. the first period has to do more with the arrival of christopher columbus to the island and the destruction of port royal    

Columbus first arrived on the islan of jamaica in 1494 when it was being inhabited by arwaks. they lived on fishing, hunting, and cultivation. the imact of the spanish was traumatic and the arwaks eventually disappeareds in about 70-80 years.
          The spanish used jamaica as a base for supporting the conquest of the americas. the population of the settlement of the spanish wasnt that large. the economic activity consisted primarily of production for domestic consumption and the supply of spanish ships. the spanish colonial architectural styles, names of places, is evidence that the spanish arrived on the island of jamaica. After a while the british conquered.The english made port royal their capital.

Port royal was located in the southeast of jamaica. it was the center of shipping commerece in the carribean sea. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 1692 and fires, hurricanes flooding and another earthquake.

In 1692 jamaica was hit by one of the deadliest earthqakes. the earthquake caused the whole capital of port royal to go below sea level as a result of a tsunami also.Many people died aftewards due to injuries and diseases. after a while jamaica made kingston their new capital.

The second period has more to do with the continuance of port royal and the abolition of the slave trade. during this time jamaica flourished as an agricultural colony an became very rich. It reached the height of prosperity just before the slave trade was abolished.

The third period has to do more with the slave trade abolition and the morant bay rebellion. The morant bay was a protest led by a man called paul bogle.this man led 200- 300 black men and women in a protest to the morant bay. This was a major turning point in jamaicas history.

slavery ended in january which led to the emancipation in august, the date on which former slaves became free to choose their employment or employer. they also gained the right to vote however most blacks most blacks remained desperately poor, and a high poll tax effectively excluded them from the franchise. During the elections of 1864, fewer than 2,000 black Jamaicans were eligible to vote out of a total population.

Dr. Edward Underhill, Secretary of the Baptist missionary society of Great Britain, wrote a letter to the colonial office in order to express Jamaica's current poor state of affairs. This letter was later shown to Jamaica's Governor edward eyre, who immediately tried to deny the truth of its statements.

On October 7, 1865, a black man was put on trial and imprisoned for trespassing on a long-abandoned plantaition, creating anger among black Jamaicans. When one member of a group of black protesters was arrested, the protesters became unruly and broke the accused man from prison. When he returned to his home, Bogle learned that he and 27 of his men had warrants issued for their arrest for rioting, resisting arrest, and assaulting the police.
Further on paul bogle decides to protes. eventually being arrested with other few men and being excecuted.

the fourth period dates from 1865 to the end of July, 1914
the fith period began with the outbreak of the First World War on August 1, 1914 and ended on August 1962.

The sixth period began on August 6, 1962, and records the history of Jamaica as an independent country.

The health issues that are affecting our island today is the water quality and sanitation. This situation affects especially the poor, including the urban poor many of which live in the country's over 595 unplanned squatter settlements in unhealthy and unsanitary environments with a high risk of waterborne disease. Despite a number of policy papers that were mainly focused on water supply and despite various projects funded by external donors, increases in access have remained limited.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Jamaican culture represents a rich blendo of cultures that have inhabited. Cultures have been mingling on the shores of Jamaica for hundreds of years. These mixtures inspires pride. It is also the source of Jamaicas characteristics, that maybe to an outsider looks inappropriate at times.

       Most Jamaicans are willing to talk about any subject that you find most uncomfortable. It is not common to find people of all ethnic backgrounds on Jamaica.

      "The islanders are comfortable with their outward racial differences because they know this is part of what makes their culture unique."

           Language is another form of demonstrating there mixed cutlture. Some resident speak their own linguistic style even thought the official language is english. The mixed languages include:
american idioms

                   The Jamaican culture is also rich in their food. The most popular dish in Jamaica is jerk a marinade that can be added to anuthing except meat. Sea food is also famous on the island. What you would truly call a Jamaican dish would include cow foot stew and goats head stew. These types of dishes really intimidate the outsiders. A morning meal called "drinking tea" includes boiled bananas or roasted breadfruit. Afro-Jamaicans eat a midafternoon as the main meal of the day.

              Rice is a ceremonial food, along with yam, sweet potatoe, and green plantains.It is use in african and indies ceremonies. It is also served with curried goat meat as the main food at parties, dances, weddings and funerals. sacrificed animals are eaten in ritual context.

              Another interesting fact about Jamaicans is their etiquette.politness and courtesy are highly valued as aspects of being raised good. they are expressed through greetings especially from the young towads their elders.
               A child never talks back, men are supposed to open doors for women and help with or perform heavy tasks. women are expected to serve men domestic contexts, and in more tradtional areas, to give the adult males the bets part of the meal.

.        Reggae and its derivatives such as dance hall, rock steady are key for the development of Jamaican culture. This music has its origins in Jamaica and cannot be claimed by any other nation. The captivating type of music has led to a growing following. The music has an upbeat aspect to it’s with constant rhythmic beats.

             Jamaican Art and Clothing are both very important in defining Jamaican culture. Jamaican art has steeped in the depicting Jamaican everyday life. This has manifested it self in sculptures, paintings, collage and craft works. This is a direct shift from the more abstract type of European art and even the African more morbid types of art that focus a lot on history. Jamaican art culture at most does not focus on history. Jamaican clothing does reflect culture. Though Jamaican clothing and fashion is not as popular as European and African clothing it is defined by the use of primary colors and the popular use of cotton because of the tropical climate.

              Jamaican art dates back to Jamaicas indigenous taino Indians who created zemis, carvings of their gods, for ritual spiritual purposes. The demise of this culture after European colonisation heralded a new era of art production more closely related to traditional tastes in Europe and created by itinerant artists keen to return picturesque images of the 'new world' to Europe.

Folk lure is yet to be aptly recognized as a part of culture. Folk lure can often be cited as a part of Jamaican tradition however folk lure is stories and ballads passed down through the generations. However this is not really the case but folk lure and happenings are carried through in dance and drama which fall under ‘other arts’ another corner stone of culture

Kumina is a cultural form indegnous to Jamaica. It is a religion, music and dance practiced by, in large part, Jamaicans who reside in the eastern parish on St. Thomas on the island. These people have retained the drumming and dancing.

                      Dreadlocks are not unique to Jamaica and Rastafarians. The dreadlocks hairstyle originated in Africa and was worn by various tribes there.The dreadlocks hairstyle first appeared in Jamaica during post emancipation. It was a means of defiance for ex-slaves to rebel against Euro-centrism that was forced on them. The hairstyle was originally referred to as a "dreadful" hairstyle by the Euro centric Jamaican society. It later evolved to the term now used: Dreadlocks. Jamaicans also use the term Natty Dreadlock.

                 Rastafarians grow their hair into dreadlocks because it is a part of the Nazarite Vow. All Rastafarians take this vow and claim it is commanded by the Bible.Samson is believed to be a Nazarite with dreadlocks. Many Rastafarians believe that like Samson, their hair is their strength and also their weakness if it is cut off . The belief in the weakness of cutting of the dreadklocks was used as a way to intimidate. 


Jamaica is an island nation located in the carribean sea, south of cuba and west of hispaniola. Jamaica is known to be tropical, hot, humid, with a temerature interior. The terrains are mostly mountains with a narrow and dicontinuos coastal plains.
          Jamaicas current population is 2,868,380 islanders. The population has grown by 0.733 percent. The birth rate is 19.2 out of the population. the death rate is 6.54 out of the population. Making it more noticeable that there is more births than deaths. The life expectancy in Jamaica is 73.45 years. The women (75.19) live longer then men(71.79) in Jamaica.
           The ethnic groups in Jamaica are 91.2 percent black, 6.29 percent, and 2.6 percent other or unknown. Jamaica has 18 different religions in total.Christianity is the largest religion in the island. The official language of Jamaica is english. They primarily speak english african creole language known as patois which has become knonw worldwide through reggea music.

            Education in Jamaica is well established. the literacy in Jamaica is that from the age of 15 and over has already attended school. They have a system :

Early Childhood: infants and privatly operated preschool from the ages of under 2-5
Primary: publicly and privatly owned from the ages of 3-12 years
Secondary: privatly or publicly owned from the ages of 10- 19 years
Tertiary: this level of education is more towards college, university, the teachers etc.
     The high-schools in Jamaica can sometimes be either single sex or co-educational institutions. Many schools follow the traditional english grammar school model. The educations is free from the early childhood up to the secondary.

             The current government type in Jamaica is a constitutional parliamentary democracy and a common wealth realm. There legal system is based on english common law but it has not accepted cumpolsory ICJ jurisdiction. As for their suffrage you must be 18 or older to be able to vote, as it it universal.
The Jamaican economy is heavily dependent on services.The country continues to derive most of its foreign exchange from tourism, remittances, and bauxite/alumina.The Economic growth faces many challenges: high crime and corruption, large-scale unemployment and underemployment. The unempolyment rate is 12.9 percent.High unemployment exacerbates the crime problem, including gang violence that is fueled by the drug trade.The population below the poverty line is 16.5 percent.the Industries that they use in Jamiaca are:
bauxite/ alumina
agro processing
light manufactures
chemical products

         The 1999 agreement to open the market for telecommunications services resulted in rapid growth in mobile-cellular telephone usage while the number of fixed-lines in use has declined; combined mobile-cellular teledensity exceeded 110 per 100 persons in 2009. There are now 302,300 islanders that use the main line, 2.971 million people who are have cell phones.
          The broadcast media is a privately-owned Radio Jamaica Limited and its subsidiaries operate multiple television stations, subscription cable services, and radio stations; 2 other privately-owned television stations broadcast; roughly 70 radio stations.

          As for the internet there are 3,099 host in totals and there are 1.581 users from the total of the population in jamaica.

         The Jamaica defence force is the small but professional military force of jamaica. It is based on the military british model with organization, trainig, weapons and traditions closed aligned with common wealth realm.
            The military branch is made up of, The  jamaica defense froce, ground forces, coast gaurd, air wing. For you to join the military service you must be 18 years or older just to volunteer. If you are under age you must be conscripted with parential consent.

The transantion issue in Jamaica is illict drugs.Transshipment point for cocaine from South America to North America and Europe; illicit cultivation and consumption of cannabis; government has an active manual cannabis eradication program; corruption is a major concern; substantial money-laundering activity; Colombian narcotics traffickers favor Jamaica for illicit financial transactions


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

 Jamaica...Land We Love. As the time went by, more violence, more crime, and less respect. Human rights is no longer considered or brought to mind.

                One of the human rights problem our island is facing today is being against the homosexuality. In Jamaica it is illegal to be homosexual, and can be inprisoned and sentenced to years in jail. Just for living the lifestyle you chose. There have been reported gaang and mob violence against homosexuals and there has been nothing done to fix this horrible situation.

                A solution has come to mind. My proposal states that homosexuality will be accepted and allowed in Jamaica. Every human has the right to live however they choose, without having to be judged, without having to be arrested, taken to jail, or even having a sentence. Expressing yourself, choosing your lifestyle, being happy for who you are and the people whom you choose to love. All of those things can be accepted in Jamaica without beeing judged.

         I propose that law enforcements be alert at all times.Watching out for danger, problems, death Actually doing there job. Not beating up people, abusing of them, taking advantage of the authority, the power that the law has. The island of Jamaica will change. It will change for the better. The human rights in Jamaica will be lived. HOMOSEXUALS WILL BE ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!